
There are several approaches you may take to run a desired piece of software on MOGON.

Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs, technical expertise, and the complexity of the software requirements.


If you are lucky, we have already pre-installed and configured the software packages you are looking for. You can then load the required module using a command like:

module load <software_name>

which sets up the environment variables and paths necessary to run the software. This method is convenient for you, as there is no need to worry about installation or dependencies.

For software that is of common interest to our users, it is likely that a module already exists. If you are missing such a module, you can use our contact form to request an installation.

More detailed information about using modules can be found → here.


Containers (e.g., Docker, Singularity) allow you to package your own software environments, including dependencies, into a single container that can be run on our HPC cluster. This approach provides isolation between different software environments and ensures reproducibility. You can create your own containers or use pre-built ones from repositories like Docker Hub.

You might consider this method, for example, if you use our MOGON NHR cluster, which has not accumulated as many pre-installed modules as our established MOGON II cluster, yet.

All you might need to get started with containers is summarized on → this page.

Local Installation

You could also compile and install the software yourself in your home directory or project space on MOGON. This method requires more technical expertise, as you need to manage dependencies, compiler flags, and ideally optimizations for the specific hardware architecture of our cluster. However, it provides you full control over the installation process and allows for customizations.

Please note our hints about compilers and toolchains → here.