EULAG is a numerical solver for all-scale geophysical flows. The underlying anelastic equations are either solved in an EULerian (flux form), or a LAGrangian (advective form) framework.(taken from, more details there)
Currently, only the multiprocessor version without NCARG is adapted to MOGON. And only NETCDF 0 and NETCDF 2 are supported. If there’s the need for other options drop a mail to .
Make sure that you choose as symmetric values for nprocx and nprocy as possible. Execution times for eulag seem to be 1/3 for nprocx=nprocy8 as compared to nprocx=64 nprocy1.
Make sure your memory reservation is big enough for your calculation. Probably you will request full nodes.
In this case and if you don’t know yet how much memory you need, you can choose -app Reserve1800M to ask for the complete memory. The LSF report will tell you the rough maximum memory needed by your job and you can adjust the memory reservation for the subsequent jobs. Remember that memory reservation is made per core.
In the very beginning of the script you have to add our cluster in the area “Determine hostname/user on NCAR system” (or similar, depending on the version of your script)
Im Bereich “Set batch / queue options” müssen die entsprechenden queue-, project- und wall-clock-time-Parameter für Mogon eingetragen werden:
❗ Keep in mind that your job is going to be killed if it takes longer than your wall-clock-time or longer than the max wall-clock-time of the queue.
Then you need a big part about the compilation. Search for “L I N U X C L U S T E R C O M P I L A T I O N”. Within the following block of if ( $MACHINE ###### LNX ) then add somewhere
Somewhere later inside the same block ($MACHINE = LNX) you have to add the following lines for the job submission:
Now save your file, set up your simulation parameters and call csh ./<my_eulag_script> as usual.