SSH Connection Setup

Follow this guide to setting up SSH on your computer

Background Information

To establish a secure connection through which we can access MOGON on our local computer, the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol comes into play. The central aspect of SSH is a pair of cryptographically generated keys—a public and a private key.

As the name suggests, you can share your public key without concern—feel free to tell it to your neighbor. On the other hand, you should always keep your private key secret! While the public key can be transferred to MOGON through a potentially unsafe network, the private key will never leave its place. Even during authentication it stays on your local machine.

How do these keys help with authentication? Well, the public key can encrypt a message that only your matching private key can decrypt. So, imagine MOGON sends you a message that has been encrypted using your own public key. You can now prove your identity just by decrypting it! After all, you are the only person in the world that has the matching private key.

You can connect to MOGON without studying cryptography, though. Just follow the steps described below.

Onboarding - First Steps:
  • Ask your PI to add your JGU account to an HPC project.
  • Generate your SSH keys using Windows or Linux/macOS.
  • Add your public SSH key to your JGU account as demonstrated here.

Generating SSH Keys on Windows

Here we provide information on how to create SSH keys on Windows with different tools.

  1. Press the -Key to open the start menu and type PuTTYgen. Then, click on the app to open it. Now, the PuTTY Key Generator window should be displayed.

  1. Start MobaXterm and click on Tools in the menu. From there, select MobaKeyGen (SSH key generator).

  1. Open Windows PowerShell. Press the key, type PowerShell and hit enter.

  2. Check if OpenSSH is installed on your system:

    ssh -V
  3. You should get an output similar to that shown below

    OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5

    This tutorial was created with the OpenSSH version shown above and PowerShell 7.0.2.

  4. Start the ssh-agent if it is not running already:

    Start-Service ssh-agent
  5. Go to the .ssh directory of your user home:

    cd ~\.ssh\
  6. Generate a new SSH key pair with the ECDSA algorithm:

    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -C "HPCGATE,HPCLOGIN"

    For compatibility reasons make sure to use the ECDSA algorithm. The RSA algorithm used by Windows is old compared to the RSA algorithm used on MOGON. This causes conflicts and prevents a connection from being established.

  7. Then ssh-keygen asks for a name for the key.

    Enter a file in which to save the key (/home/you/.ssh/id_ecdsa): [Press enter]
  8. After that you have to specify a passphrase. Do not use an empty passphrase!

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
    Enter same passphrase again: [Type passphrase again]
  9. Done. You have created an SSH key that will allow you to access MOGON using PowerShell. Upload you public SSH key to your JGU account

Generating SSH Keys on Linux/macOS

Generating an SSH key pair can be as easy as executing the following command in your terminal:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "HPCGATE,HPCLOGIN"

This generates a new key pair of type ed25519. The comment "HPCGATE,HPCLOGIN" is mandatory and lets our webtool in a later step know where to put your public key.

Next, ssh-keygen prompts you to enter a name for the key files.

Enter a file in which to save the key (/home/you/.ssh/id_ed25519): [Press enter]

You can press enter to confirm the default or provide an alternative. A meaningful name might be /home/<user>/.ssh/id_ed25519_mogon_laptop.

After that you have to specify a passphrase—use a passphrase! An empty passphrase is a serious security concern.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
Enter same passphrase again: [Type passphrase again]

In case you deviate from the default name, you need to make your ssh-agent aware of it by executing:

ssh-add ~/Path/To/Your/PrivateKey

Modifying existing SSH Keys

If you already have an SSH key pair, you can change the comment as follows, for example, to add the HPCGATE,HPCLOGIN string if you have forgotten to append it:

ssh-keygen -c -C "HPCGATE,HPCLOGIN" -f ~/Path/To/Your/PrivateKey

Creating an SSH Configuration File

If you need to login from the outside more often, you can configure your SSH client to perform these steps automagically.

For this purpose, edit your local SSH config (~/.ssh/config) to include the following lines, where the setting ForwardX11 yes is optional:

# MOGON jump host
Host hpcgate
    User <username>    
    ForwardX11 yes    
    IdentityFile ~/Path/To/Private/Key

# for access to MOGON II:
Host mogon
    HostName mogon
    User <username>
    ProxyJump hpcgate    
    ForwardX11 yes    
    IdentityFile ~/Path/To/Private/Key

# for access to MOGON NHR:
Host mogon-nhr
    HostName mogon-nhr-01
    User <username>
    ProxyJump hpcgate    
    ForwardX11 yes    
    IdentityFile ~/Path/To/Private/Key

Config file customization
Bear in mind to modify the User and IdentityFile options!
Once you adapted the SSH config file, you can simply execute:

ssh mogon

for access to a service node on MOGON II, or:

ssh mogon-nhr

to connect with MOGON NHR.

(More information on the jumphost technique with ProxyCommand here )

Config for OpenSSH below version 7.3
# MOGON jump host
Host hpcgate
    User <username>
    IdentityFile ~/Path/To/Private/Key

# for access to MOGON:
Host mogon
    HostName mogon
    User <username>
    IdentityFile ~/Path/To/Private/Key
    ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p hpcgate

Using X11-forwarding on MacOS

In order to use the X11-forwarding, an X11-server should be installed on your system. X11 is no longer included with Mac, but X11 server and client libraries are available from the XQuartz project .

Uploading the Public Key

Onboarding - Next Step:
  • Ask your PI to add your JGU account to an HPC project.
  • Generate your SSH keys using Windows or Linux/macOS.
  • Add your public SSH key to your JGU account as demonstrated here.

To make MOGON aware of your new SSH key, we use a web-tool to transfer the public key to the server. Please note that it takes some time for these changes to propagate through our systems. During working hours it should take no more than 20 minutes.

  1. Browse to and use your JGU credentials for login.
  2. Paste the contents of your public SSH key into the SSH public key field.
  3. You can add further comments in the Comment or key name field to help you identify this key again at a later point in time.
  4. Please select HPCLOGIN as the key usage.
  5. Feel free to leave the duplicate HPCLOGIN as is, or delete it from the public key field.
  6. At last, please click on Save.
  7. The newly added SSH key should be displayed in the SSH key overview.