MOGON NHR Inauguration

March 14, 2023 in News by Jens Rutten1 minute

MOGON NHR Inauguration

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new high-performance computing cluster, MOGON NHR!

A Boost for Research

MOGON NHR is a general-purpose computer cluster based on several CPU architectures. The system is getting installed right now and will be available in 2023 and supersede MOGON 2.


  • $590$ Compute Nodes,
  • $75000$ CPU Cores,
  • $40$ A100 Tensor core GPUs,
  • $186TB$ RAM,
  • $256$, $512$, $1024$ or $2048 GB$ of RAM per node,
  • a parallel file system with a capacity of $8 PB$ and aggregated bandwith of $98 GB/s$,
  • HDR Infiniband interconnects (non-blocking fat tree network).

AMD EPYC 7713 Processor

  • $64$ Cores
  • $2 GHz$ clock frequency
  • $256 MB$ L3 Cache
  • 2 per Node

The Future of Research

MOGON NHR is a valuable addition to our research infrastructure, and we’re excited to see the impact it will have on our community’s work. We look forward to seeing the interesting projects and results that will emerge from its use!