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This is the user documentation of MOGON, the high-performance computing cluster at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Complete our onboarding procedure to access MOGON.
Get an overview of MOGON's compute resources.
Keystone of administrating your jobs on MOGON is the cluster manager Slurm.
There are several approaches for running a desired piece of software on MOGON.
Commonly used Slurm commands for managing and monitoring your jobs.
Check out which MOGON partition fits your particular use case best.
Find out more about our GPU partitions and using GPUs with Slurm in general.
Explore your options for transferring and downloading data on MOGON.
Basic commands for managing software modules to set up your environment.
The project and home directories have different quotas based on their function.
Are you interested in HPC courses or intend to teach using MOGON?
Prepare your research data for long-term storage.